The Coffee Blend Bible
Most of the modern world runs on coffee. It might be the morning jump start, a lunch break top-up or keeping the chitter chatting with friends, coffee is the most popular hot beverage in the world today.
As more and more people jump on the coffee revolution, distributers of caffeinated cups of comfort are becoming ever more diverse with their beans and blends. From flavors to grades of grinds, the market has been booming, partially due to the availability of coffee machines for the home, and partially because … mmmm coffee.
Our adventures into coffee turned up some interesting information so if you are baffled by blends, here is a quick guide to the greatest grind.
Bean or Ground?
The obvious answer to this question will nearly always be beans. The fresher the coffee reaches your cup, the better. The beans contain an oil coating that add serious flavor to the finishing taste, this can be lost over time with ground coffee.
That’s not to say you should just write the ground coffee off though. Meticulous packaging and short shelf lives will open your options and still produce a good cuppa.
Creating a Successful Blend
Blending coffee is a contentious issue. Some people will tell you it’s in aid of covering the tracks of a weak variety. Whilst this may be true in some cases, for the coffee enthusiast and his home machine, it couldn’t be further from the truth.
Creating a successful blend is all about trial and error. If you have got a sharp palette, you may be able to pick flavours that will blend well with ease. If not, it’s about working out that balance. Take a nutty variety, counter the nutty with some chocolate undertones, there really are not many more rules than that.
Experimenting is the key. It’s always handy to note the amounts you’re using in each blend so when you find a winner, you can replicate it when you finish. Don’t be afraid to mix more than two varieties, some roasters mix five, six or seven blends to find their own special taste.
Machine, or Not Machine, that is the Question.
Much like the beans or ground coffee, I think we all know the answer. Every coffee lover should have a machine. The benefits are almost endless. You save money, you enjoy better coffee, you can whizz up some exceptional blends and be the envy of all your friends.
With almost as many types of machines as there are beans, you are spoilt for choice. Finding one within your budget should not be too difficult. You can see our range here.