Humans have been popping corn for thousands of years. Corn was first domesticated somewhere around Mexico around 10,000 years ago. Our first evidence of it being ‘popped’, however, was found in Peru and dated back to 4,700BC.
Whilst we have always popped corn, it wasn’t really popularised until the late 1800s, when a Charles Cretor invented the popcorn maker. Loading the machines onto carts, by the turn of the century popcorn was being sold in streets all over the US.
(Pro tip: As a kitchen supply store, you can also buy popcorn machines from us).
The infatuation of corn in theatres arrived somewhere around 1930. Initially, theatre owners were displeased with the crispy, light snack, believing it distracted from the performances. Then one plucky individual introduced the machines to the lobbies, and the popcorn began making more profit that the ticket sales.
Popcorn at Home
Bringing that cinema experience to your home requires more than just a large screen TV and dimmed lights. To really complete the setup, you’re going to need a block buster movie, and someone on standby to hush anyone talking during the screening.
You’re also going to need a lot of popcorn. The benefit to having the cinema experience at home, is you get to enjoy the popcorn during the film, rather than the adverts at the start.
If you do run out, grab some more.
Popcorn comes in a wide variety of flavours, and at Chef’s Play, we’ve sourced as many as we can. You can order our bags of our freshly popped, flavoured corn, or some kernels and a popcorn machine from our home wares section, to really enjoy that fresh, still warm goodness.
The freshly popped, flavoured gourmet popcorn comes in family sized bags which hold around 4 servings. Some of our more bizarre flavours include: -
Wasabi – flavoured with the legendary Japanese horseradish, Wasabi is a spicy, mustardy flavour and one for the adventurous.
Cheddar Cheese and Cheetos – fans of the cheesy maize snack, Cheetos, need to try this savoury delight. Packing a cheesy punch, these little puffed up corns of delight are incredibly moreish.
Pizza – yes, you read that correctly. We have pizza flavoured popcorn. Our next trick is to develop a popcorn flavoured pizza (we probably won’t).
Dill Pickle – somebody stop us. No, seriously. Our popcorn popping department has spiralled out of control and there is some kind of mad scientist at the helm. It’s an acquired taste, but a popular flavour.
Maple Glaze – made using Maple Syrup, this Canadian influenced popcorn is a sweet, smoky and sticky treat perfect for watching the films of Mike Myers, Jim Carey or Rachel McAdams.
As well as the weird and wonderful, you can also buy the traditional and usual flavours. We also sell all our freshly popped popcorn in vac sealed, longer lasting tubs.
To see the full range, visit our home cinema collection by following this link. You’ll find all sorts of other cinema related goodies such as cotton candy, nachos, dips and more.