The cigar lover needs a product essential for developing his passion: a cigar humidor. Read more
Features of the Humidor V-CIGAR-S
Glass doors that allow you to keep an eye on your cigar collection.
You have the choice of glass door with black aluminium frame or full glass door (with no aluminium frame).
Safety of your cigars is prioritised.
The contents of your cigar humidor are secure thanks to a dual-action lock. Alarms protect your cigars in the event of the door being left open, a sensor fault, temperature fault or abnormally low or high humidity levels. Is it time to replace your charcoal filter? A visual alarm found on your humidor’s control panel will alert you.
A control panel.
Control your cigar humidor thanks to the tactile control panel with LCD screen. For your peace of mind, we display the actual humidity and temperature inside your humidor and not the setting.
A humidity cassette with clay balls.
The cigar humidor is supplied with two clay ball cassettes to adjust the humidity level according to the environment.
A charcoal filter to preserve air quality.
Active charcoal is a porous material which absorbs odours, gas and impurities in the surrounding air. To maintain a clean, odourless environment inside the cigar humidor, it can be replaced once a year.
Please see below link for Product Sheet and other information:
Brand Name | EUROCAVE |
Product Origin | FRANCE |
Model | V-CIGAR-S |
Capacity | 700 – 1,000 cigars |
Power & Voltage Requirement | 24h/0,6KwH |
Dimensions | 680 x 715 x 960 mm (WxDxH) |
Warranty | 12 months |
Product Condition | New |
Installation Service Condition | Installation, Testing and Commissioning are included. |