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AED 184.00
in stock
Delicious "white" versions are also quite commonplace with sauces made from mushrooms and vegetables. Read more
Lasagne n° 112 all'uovo (12 Packs x 500 Grams)
Delicious "white" versions are also quite commonplace with sauces made from mushrooms and vegetables.
AED 184.00
AED 125.00
in stock
Tagliatelle are consumed all over Italy and are part of the long, flat pasta family. Read more
Tagliatelle n° 304 (8 Packs x 500 Grams)
Tagliatelle are consumed all over Italy and are part of the long, flat pasta family.
AED 125.00
AED 69.00
in stock
Delicious Ravioli with a creamy, rich seafood filling.
Ready to be cooked in boiling water.
No preservatives or coloring agents used. Read more
Seafood Pasta Ravioli 1 KG
Delicious Ravioli with a creamy, rich seafood filling.
Ready to be cooked in boiling water.
No preservatives or coloring agents used.
AED 69.00
AED 183.00
in stock
The most famous and beloved pasta shape in the world. It is no coincidence that their diameter makes them versatile and suitable for any type of sauce. In the 19th century in Naples the famous “lazzari” (young people from the working classes) ate them in Read more
Spaghetti IGP 20 x 500 Grams
The most famous and beloved pasta shape in the world. It is no coincidence that their diameter makes them versatile and suitable for any type of sauce. In the 19th century in Naples the famous “lazzari” (young people from the working classes) ate them in
AED 183.00
AED 158.00
in stock
Pastificio Liguori PACCHERI Pasta di Gragnano IGP/PGI - from Gragnano IGP - 100% Italian Wheat - 500g pack Read more
Paccheri N124 12 x 500 Grams
Pastificio Liguori PACCHERI Pasta di Gragnano IGP/PGI - from Gragnano IGP - 100% Italian Wheat - 500g pack
AED 158.00
AED 138.00
in stock
Pasta made with pure spring water and durum wheat semolina, carefully selected from the best grains mainly from Italy and around the world. Slow drying at low temperatures and bronze drawing. Read more
Riso 20 x 500 Grams
Pasta made with pure spring water and durum wheat semolina, carefully selected from the best grains mainly from Italy and around the world. Slow drying at low temperatures and bronze drawing.
AED 138.00
AED 178.00
in stock
Whether served with clam sauce, tomato, or chili and garlic (“Midnight Spaghetti”) Read more
Spaghetti Nº3 (12 Packs x 1 KG)
Whether served with clam sauce, tomato, or chili and garlic (“Midnight Spaghetti”)
AED 178.00
AED 146.00
in stock
The name of the format is certainly evocative. It recalls the presence of numerous lines, capable of retaining sauces. Rigatone is certainly one of the most popular formats, ideal for Sunday lunches. Liguori also offers rigatone in the Neapolitan version, Read more
Rigatoni IGP 16 x 500 Grams
The name of the format is certainly evocative. It recalls the presence of numerous lines, capable of retaining sauces. Rigatone is certainly one of the most popular formats, ideal for Sunday lunches. Liguori also offers rigatone in the Neapolitan version,
AED 146.00
AED 148.00
in stock
Pastificio Liguori LINGUINE Pasta from Gragnano IGP/PGI - 500g pack Read more
Linguine IGP 9 x 1 KG
Pastificio Liguori LINGUINE Pasta from Gragnano IGP/PGI - 500g pack
AED 148.00
AED 170.00
in stock
De Cecco Penne Rigate is a type of pasta that is made from durum wheat semolina. It is shaped like a small tube with ridges which helps to hold onto pasta sauce and other ingredients. Read more
Pennette Rigate (12 Packs x 1 KG)
De Cecco Penne Rigate is a type of pasta that is made from durum wheat semolina. It is shaped like a small tube with ridges which helps to hold onto pasta sauce and other ingredients.
AED 170.00
AED 95.00
in stock
From the best Italian blends and not only, durum wheat semolina pasta, with egg, made with pure spring water, from bronze drawing and slow drying. Read more
Tagliatelle Egg 12 x 250 Grams
From the best Italian blends and not only, durum wheat semolina pasta, with egg, made with pure spring water, from bronze drawing and slow drying.
AED 95.00
AED 178.00
in stock
Pasta Mista originated in Campania. Read more
Pasta Mista Nº 74 (16 Packs x 500 Grams)
Pasta Mista originated in Campania.
AED 178.00
AED 125.00
in stock
Fettucine are part of the long, flat pasta family. Read more
Fettuccine n° 233 (8 Packs x 500 Grams)
Fettucine are part of the long, flat pasta family.
AED 125.00
AED 108.00
in stock
The product par excellence, whole truffle with no alterations.

We recommend it sliced or grated on pasta and main courses in order to give the dish that amazing smell of freshly found truffle. Read more
Whole Black Summer Truffle 100 Grams
The product par excellence, whole truffle with no alterations.

We recommend it sliced or grated on pasta and main courses in order to give the dish that amazing smell of freshly found truffle.
AED 108.00
AED 170.00
in stock
Linguine are the most well-known type of long pasta from Liguria: they resemble a small, flat, narrow tagliatella-type pasta and were created to be eaten with traditional pesto. Read more
Linguine n° 7 (12 Packs x 1 KG)
Linguine are the most well-known type of long pasta from Liguria: they resemble a small, flat, narrow tagliatella-type pasta and were created to be eaten with traditional pesto.
AED 170.00
AED 148.00
in stock
A pasta with very ancient origins, dating back to the thirteenth century and present in the Liber de coquina, the oldest cookbook of the Christian West. A pasta among the favorites of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon and, already in 1180 approximately, recommended Read more
Vermicelli N4 9 x 1 KG
A pasta with very ancient origins, dating back to the thirteenth century and present in the Liber de coquina, the oldest cookbook of the Christian West. A pasta among the favorites of Ferdinand IV of Bourbon and, already in 1180 approximately, recommended
AED 148.00
AED 263.00
in stock
Pastificio Liguori SPAGHETTINI Pasta di Gragnano IGP/PGI - 100% Italian Wheat Read more
Spaghettoni N125 IGP 20 x 500 Grams
Pastificio Liguori SPAGHETTINI Pasta di Gragnano IGP/PGI - 100% Italian Wheat
AED 263.00
AED 171.00
in stock
Paccheri are a typical pasta from the Campania region. The name comes from "paccarià" which in Neapolitan dialect means "slap". Read more
Paccheri n° 125 (12 Packs x 500 Grams)
Paccheri are a typical pasta from the Campania region. The name comes from "paccarià" which in Neapolitan dialect means "slap".
AED 171.00
AED 27.00
in stock
The fine Italian Gnocchi Di Potato potato pasta are quick and easy to prepare. They are ideal as a tasty side dish served with a sauce or pesto of your choice. Read more
Potato Gnocchi Pasta 1 KG
The fine Italian Gnocchi Di Potato potato pasta are quick and easy to prepare. They are ideal as a tasty side dish served with a sauce or pesto of your choice.
AED 27.00
AED 142.00
in stock
Pasta with durum wheat semolina, carefully selected from the best grains mainly from Italy and all over the world and pure spring water. Bronze drawing and slow drying at low temperatures. Read more
Fusilli Tricolor 4 x 3 KG
Pasta with durum wheat semolina, carefully selected from the best grains mainly from Italy and all over the world and pure spring water. Bronze drawing and slow drying at low temperatures.
AED 142.00
AED 183.00
in stock
Smaller and more resistant than traditional Paccheri. Read more
Paccherotti Rigati Nº 195 (12 Packs x 500 Grams)
Smaller and more resistant than traditional Paccheri.
AED 183.00
AED 152.00
in stock
Durum wheat semolina pasta, carefully selected from the best grains mainly from Italy and all over the world with pure spring water, slow drying at low temperatures and with bronze drawing. Read more
Spaghetti 24 x 500 Grams
Durum wheat semolina pasta, carefully selected from the best grains mainly from Italy and all over the world with pure spring water, slow drying at low temperatures and with bronze drawing.
AED 152.00
AED 98.00
in stock
Handmade artisan durum wheat ravioli stuffed with potato and a dash of truffle oil for a gourmet bite Read more
Truffle Ravioli
Handmade artisan durum wheat ravioli stuffed with potato and a dash of truffle oil for a gourmet bite
AED 98.00
AED 98.00
in stock
Gourmet taglioni made with durum wheat semolina and squid ink. Read more
Squid Ink Tagliolini
Gourmet taglioni made with durum wheat semolina and squid ink.
AED 98.00