The Sakimaru Takohiki is a variation of the Yanagiba and Takohiki, and is used for much the same purpose of slicing sushi and sashimi. Read more
Product Codes: 1ts9s-270
Steel Type: Shirogami #1 White Carbon Steel
Handle Material: Yew Wood Octagonal Handle with Buffalo horn bolster
Rockwell HRC: 61:64
Blade Length: 270mm, 10.6 inch
Bevel: Traditional Single Edged (Right)
About the Sakimaru Takohiki: The Sakimaru Takohiki is a variation of the Yanagiba and Takohiki, and is used for much the same purpose of slicing sushi and sashimi.
About Sakai Ichimonji Mitsuhide: The essence of Sakai is in Ichimonji's knives. Backed by the skills of the craftsmen who have been continuously improving their techniques for more than 600 years, the Sakai Ichimonji Mitsuhide brand has been trusted by top culinary masters for generations.