The Sakimaru Takohiki is a variation of the Yanagiba and Takohiki, and is used for much the same purpose of slicing sushi and sashimi. Read more
Steel Type: VG10 Stainless Steel forged using "Honyaki" process
Handle Material: Wenge Wooden Handle with Buffalo Horn Bolster
Rockwell HRC: 60
Blade Length: 300mm, 11.4 inch
Bevel: Traditional Single Edged (Right)
This knife comes with a paired Wenge Wooden Saya.
About the Sakimaru Takohiki: The Sakimaru Takohiki is a variation of the Yanagiba and Takohiki, and is used for much the same purpose of slicing sushi and sashimi.
About the VG10 Honyaki Genbu Series: The Honyaki process is one of the most difficult methods to construct a knife with only a handful of knife makers in Japan who can successfully pull it off. Since only 1 type of steel is used in forging, it requires extreme precision and dedication to get the right temperature & tempering. The handle and Saya are made from traditional Wenge wood, one of the densest woods available.