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Search results for cheese

Article code 3570
AED 443.00
in stock
Embark on a culinary journey with Latteria Soresina Parmigiano Reggiano PDO 1/8. The esteemed king of Italian Cheese. Read more
Parmigiano Reggiano 1/8 4.5 KG
Embark on a culinary journey with Latteria Soresina Parmigiano Reggiano PDO 1/8. The esteemed king of Italian Cheese.
AED 443.00
AED 451.00
in stock
Pinna Pecorino Romano 3.9 KG Read more
Pecorino Romano Cheese DOP 1/8 Black Labeled 3.9 KG
Pinna Pecorino Romano 3.9 KG
AED 451.00
AED 473.00
in stock
That unmistakable cheddar taste combined with our expert processing. Read more
Cheddar Cheese Shredded White 6 Pieces x 2 KG
That unmistakable cheddar taste combined with our expert processing.
AED 473.00
Article code 3507
AED 480.00
in stock
It is made from whole sheep milk and to last for a long time with all its flavour and all its nutritious virtues: for this reason, it must mature from 5 months to 8 months. Read more
Pecorino Cheese For Grating 5 KG
It is made from whole sheep milk and to last for a long time with all its flavour and all its nutritious virtues: for this reason, it must mature from 5 months to 8 months.
AED 480.00
AED 486.00
in stock
Frio is a cold custard powder with a vanilla flavor. Frio is used in the production of various baking applications, mainly as a filling, but also can be used in tortes, desserts, puff, choux, and Danish pastries. Read more
Frio Cold Custard 15 KG
Frio is a cold custard powder with a vanilla flavor. Frio is used in the production of various baking applications, mainly as a filling, but also can be used in tortes, desserts, puff, choux, and Danish pastries.
AED 486.00
AED 493.00
in stock
Kiri Cream Cheese has a unique creamy taste that everyone has grown to love. It is made from milk and natural & fresh cream. Read more
Cream Cheese Cooking Block 12 x 1 KG
Kiri Cream Cheese has a unique creamy taste that everyone has grown to love. It is made from milk and natural & fresh cream.
AED 493.00
AED 506.00
in stock
Make your charcuterie board get the attention it deserves with this stunning selection of World Class Selection cheeses. Read more
Cheese Platter - World Class Selection
Make your charcuterie board get the attention it deserves with this stunning selection of World Class Selection cheeses.
AED 506.00
AED 513.00
in stock
Lighter than Roquefort
Melting texture
Silver Medal at World Cheese Awards in 2019 Read more
Ganix Blue Cheese Approx 3KG
Lighter than Roquefort
Melting texture
Silver Medal at World Cheese Awards in 2019
AED 513.00
AED 530.00
in stock
Parmigiano Reggiano DOP is hard, cow's milk cheese from Italy. The slow, natural aging process of 24 months creates a sharp, rich, and complex flavor. This unique cheese has been famous for centuries and has a quality that is unmatched anywhere else in th Read more
Parmiggiano Reggiano 1/8 DOP 4.5 KG
Parmigiano Reggiano DOP is hard, cow's milk cheese from Italy. The slow, natural aging process of 24 months creates a sharp, rich, and complex flavor. This unique cheese has been famous for centuries and has a quality that is unmatched anywhere else in th
AED 530.00
AED 618.00
in stock
This extremely soft and subtly sweet white chocolate has a smooth texture and a strong flavour of whole milk. Read more
White Chocolate 34%, ZEPHYR - 5kg Coins (Belgium)
This extremely soft and subtly sweet white chocolate has a smooth texture and a strong flavour of whole milk.
AED 618.00
AED 641.00
in stock
The finest of all traditional Italian cheeses. Read more
Grana Padano Block 1/8 (15 Months) 4 KG
The finest of all traditional Italian cheeses.
AED 641.00
AED 663.00
in stock
Simillar to Pecorino Truffle Read more
Lanza à la Truffe Hard Cheese Approx 3 KG
Simillar to Pecorino Truffle
AED 663.00
Unit price: AED 221.00 / Kilogram
AED 690.00
in stock
With its traditional recipe containing 34% fat, the Original American Cream Cheese is ideal for making American style cheesecakes. Read more
Original American Cream Cheese 34% Fat - 10 x 1.36 KG
With its traditional recipe containing 34% fat, the Original American Cream Cheese is ideal for making American style cheesecakes.
AED 690.00
AED 705.00
in stock
Pecorino Romano is one of most widely used, sharper alternatives to Parmesan cheeses. Because of the hard texture and sharp and salty flavour, Pecorino Romano is an excellent grating cheese over pasta dishes, breads and baking casseroles. Read more
Pecorino Romano 1/4 Dop 6 KG
Pecorino Romano is one of most widely used, sharper alternatives to Parmesan cheeses. Because of the hard texture and sharp and salty flavour, Pecorino Romano is an excellent grating cheese over pasta dishes, breads and baking casseroles.
AED 705.00
AED 725.00
in stock
Chamois d'Or is a firm and runny cheese with a thin white crust. Its soft texture releases a fine and delicate cream taste, and is naturally rich in calcium. Read more
Chamois D'Or 2 x 2.4 KG
Chamois d'Or is a firm and runny cheese with a thin white crust. Its soft texture releases a fine and delicate cream taste, and is naturally rich in calcium.
AED 725.00
AED 775.00
in stock
Good for Raclette and Burgers Read more
AED 798.00
in stock
Morbier is a semi-soft cows' milk cheese of France. It is ivory colored, soft and slightly elastic, and is immediately recognizable by the distinctive thin black layer separating it horizontally in the middle. Read more
Morbier AOP Semi Hard Cheese Approx 6.5 KG
Morbier is a semi-soft cows' milk cheese of France. It is ivory colored, soft and slightly elastic, and is immediately recognizable by the distinctive thin black layer separating it horizontally in the middle.
AED 798.00
AED 846.00
in stock
Deliciously smooth and fruity . Fol Epi is a semi-cooked pressed cheese , yet delicate and with a concentrate of fruity flavors. Read more
Fol Epi 2 x 3 KG
Deliciously smooth and fruity . Fol Epi is a semi-cooked pressed cheese , yet delicate and with a concentrate of fruity flavors.
AED 846.00
AED 854.00
in stock
This Butter is made from New Zealand and from high quality fresh cream using world leading butter-making technology. This Butter consistently delivers the superior flavor and mouth-feel needed in many applications such as baked goods and spreads. Read more
Unsalted Butter 25KG
This Butter is made from New Zealand and from high quality fresh cream using world leading butter-making technology. This Butter consistently delivers the superior flavor and mouth-feel needed in many applications such as baked goods and spreads.
AED 854.00
AED 874.00
in stock
Tomme de Jura is a raw cow's milk cheese from Jura in France. It is a mountain cow cheese and it has a sweet-sour taste that so many of the Alpine cow cheeses have. It is a semi-hard cheese with a grey coloured rind, where white moulds may be present. Its Read more
Tomme du Jura Semi Hard Cheese Approx 6 KG
Tomme de Jura is a raw cow's milk cheese from Jura in France. It is a mountain cow cheese and it has a sweet-sour taste that so many of the Alpine cow cheeses have. It is a semi-hard cheese with a grey coloured rind, where white moulds may be present. Its
AED 874.00
AED 1,020.00
in stock
Good for Raclette and Burgers Read more
Tomme du Jura Fumée Semi Hard Cheese Approx 6KG
Good for Raclette and Burgers
AED 1,020.00
AED 1,192.00
in stock
Wrapped with dried flowers
2021: Silver Medal at World Cheese Contest in TOURS, FR
2021: Gold Medal at SIRHA Exhbition in LYON, FR Read more
Tomme Aux Fleurs Semi Hard Cheese Approx 6.5 KG
Wrapped with dried flowers
2021: Silver Medal at World Cheese Contest in TOURS, FR
2021: Gold Medal at SIRHA Exhbition in LYON, FR
AED 1,192.00
AED 1,192.00
in stock
Wrapped and aged with lemon zest and pepper
Good for Raclette and Burgers Read more
ZP Crystal Semi Hard Cheese Approx 6.5 KG
Wrapped and aged with lemon zest and pepper
Good for Raclette and Burgers
AED 1,192.00
AED 1,247.00
in stock
The premium La Rose Noire Petite Cheesecake are now available for the first time in a retail format. Hand crafted from premium ingredients. Read more
Premium Desserts Hand Crafted Petite Cheesecake 1 Box x 9 Trays x 48 Pcs
The premium La Rose Noire Petite Cheesecake are now available for the first time in a retail format. Hand crafted from premium ingredients.
AED 1,247.00